The Winners
Meet the HJSF Scholarship Recipients
2023 / 2024 Season
The '23 - '24 scholarship year was an exciting one. It was the first time in 3 years that HJSF was able to award scholarships to students for overseas study since the pandemic.
Additionally, thanks to donations from our amazing supporters and sponsors (including USJETAA), we were fortunate to be able to award 2 scholarship prizes in the amounts of ¥250,000 and ¥200,000 each. This was a first for HJSF and we hope to be able to continue awarding multiple grand prize winners in the future. We thank you all for your support, which made this opportunity possible.

Hinako Hatakeyama
2023 - 2024 1st Place Winner
Hinako was the grand prize winner for the '23 - '24 year. She is an 11th grader at Hiroshima Prefectural High School in Higashihiroshima.
She will be studying abroad in Nepal with Projects Abroad in Summer 2024 and has goals of working with international organizations like the UN and JICA in the future!
Kouya Yamamoto
2023 - 2024 2nd Place Winner
Kouya was the 2nd place winner for the '23 - '24 year. He is a 10th grader at Mitsuta High School in Kure City.
He looks forward to studying abroad in order to improve his English language skills and interact with people internationally in hopes to build stronger connections between Japan and other countries.

2022 - 2023
The Pandemic Plan continued again for the 2022-2023 applicants. Instead of competing for a single grand prize we offered multiple smaller ones so that students who were motivated to learn English on their own would participate. We had our largest turn out this year with over 20 students! The competition was fierce and we had two students tie for the first place prize!
2021 - 2022
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students could not travel internationally, so, in order to encourage students to continue their English studies, we adapted our scholarship to the Pandemic Plan.
We offered students a chance to win one of three smaller scholarship prizes to help them further their studies at home.
The Prizes:
1st place: 50,000円 | 2nd place: 30,000円 | 3rd place: 20,000円

Risa Kishimoto
2019 Winner
Risa is a 9th grade student from Baien Junior High School in Fukuyama. In the future, she aspires to work with JICA to support the growth of developing countries and considers speaking English an important tool for international outreach.
She will be participating in the Ark International Exchange Center's "Spring Vacation Local School Experience Study Abroad Program" trip to London, England.
We are excited for her to experience England and wish her all the best in achieving her future goals!

Kotoe Ueno
2018 Winner
Kotoe dreams of working in space exploration and wants to improve her English as part of this dream.
She will participate in the ECC International Exchange Center LET’S program’s study trip to St. Petersburg, Florida.
We wish her the best of luck in the future and hope she enjoys her time in Florida!
Kosei Okamoto
2017 Winner
Kosei is a 9th grader at Osakikamijima Junior High School. He will be using the scholarship to travel to Australia with his selected program.